It has happened to me occasionally, that the flowershops have run out of white hyacinths before I managed to buy them. Well not last yeat. I bought them well in advance. The problem is, that I love them when they still bud. These little beauties grew too big before Christmas Eve, but luckyly they not the only flowers we had. These simple hyacinths have been the traditional Christmas flower arrangements in our home for many years, and I know I will make some this Christmas as well, but I already have so many ideas fot the flowers that I think of making something whole new this year! :)
On a great Christmas Market at Vanha Ylioppilas talo (The Old Student House) in Helsinki last year I found small moss hearts made by Ideapaju and they match perfectly with the other decorations. I also added same cinnamon sticks and golden string among the dry gras. Unfortunately the scent can not be added to a blog post, but enjoy the pics!
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